Tuesday, April 21, 2015

How to live rich and be frugal

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I love having a big family but I will not lie to you, it's hard to afford. And what I don't want is for my kids to ever say that they feel like they missed out on childhood because we never had the money to take them anywhere.

Shortly after my fourth child was born, I resolved to always live richly even though I'm sort of forced to be frugal. And I do a pretty good job of it. I spend a lot less on groceries than a lot of families do, but I still manage to buy nicer cuts of meat, fresh produce and enough exotic ingredients to fuel my once-a-week international cooking day (check out my other blog, Travel by Stove). I find discounted tickets and kids-eat-free specials at local restaurants. I know where all the fun, free and low-cost places are to go in our local area. I know who's having admission specials and how to get discounted hotel rooms.

But to do it I spend a lot of time online, researching, subscribing to online services that offer cash back rewards, links to discounts or other perks. And sometimes I really feel like I want to share all this information I find. I know there are lots of other families out there like mine--they love being a part of a big family but they can't afford to give their children the kinds of experiences they want them to have, because the cost of taking a large family out for the day is just too high.

So I'm going to post all of my best finds here, in the hope that someone else will be able to use them the way we do--to live rich, but be frugal, all at the same time.

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